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The Bread Peddler (1963 film)

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Wikipedia article

'The Bread Peddler' (French:'La porteuse de pain', Italian:'La portatrice di pane') is a 1963 French-Italian historical drama film directed by Maurice Cloche and starring Suzanne Flon, Philippe Noiret and Jean Rochefort.Goble p.913 It is based on the novel of the same title by Xavier de Montpin.


* Suzanne Flon as Maman Lison / Jeanne Fortier

* Philippe Noiret as Jacques Garaud / Paul Harmant

* Jean Rochefort as Ovide Soliveau

* Jeanne Valrie as Mary Harmant

* Michel Lemoine as Georges Darier

* Jos Greci as Amanda

* Marie-France Mignal as Lucie

* Michel Bardinet as Jules Labroue

* Bernard La Jarrige as Le prfet de police

* Pierre Doris as Le vendeur de journaux

* Paul Vervisch as Ricoux

* Albert Dinan as Le Tourangeau, un boulanger

* Pierre Mirat as La Brioche

* Aram Stephan as Le prince

* Claude Le Lorrain as Perkins

* Lisette Lebon as Marianne

* Philippe Castelli as Le premier policier aux ordres du prfet de police

* Bernard Musson as Le second policier aux ordres du prfet de police

* Pierre Duncan as L'officier de police

* Grgoire Gromoff as L'annonceur

* Max Montavon as Un gendarme

* Madeleine Suffel as La concierge

* Pierre Massimi as Lucien Labroue

* Alberto Lupo as tienne Castel

See also

*'The Bread Peddler' (1950, also directed by Maurice Cloche)



* Goble, Alan. 'The Complete Index to Literary Sources in Film'. Walter de Gruyter, 1999.

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