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Two Captains (film)

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Wikipedia article

'Two Captains' is a 1955 Soviet adventure film directed by Vladimir Vengerov, based on a novel by Veniamin Kaverin.[https://gorcom36.ru/content/marina-yakovleva-posle-60-ti-zhizn-tolko-nachinaetsya-/ : 60- !][https://paperpaper.ru/archives/ . , ][https://news.sarbc.ru/main/2018/01/11/210584.html ][http://www.ap22.ru/paper/20-let-nazad-umer-sovetskiy-rezhisser-Vladimir-Vengerov.html 20 ][http://sviblovo.mos.ru/presscenter/news/detail/5668878.html ][https://mos.news/news/svao/na_kominterna_pokazhut_ekranizatsiyu_romana_kaverina/ ]


Alexander Grigoriev dreams of becoming a polar pilot and finding traces of the Arctic expedition of Captain Tatarinov, which has disappeared, and he persistently goes to his goal.[https://www.kinopoisk.ru/film/44336/ }] //


* Aleksandr Mikhaylov as Sanya Grigoryev

* Olga Zabotkina as Katya Tatarinova

* Anatoly Adoskin as Valya Zhukov

* Yevgeni Lebedev as Romashov

* Borya Belyayev as Sanya Grigoryev in childhood

* Bruno Freindlich as Ivan Pavlovich Korablyov

* Nina Drobysheva as Sasha, Sanya's sister

* Boris Arakelov as Romashov in childhood

* Lyudmila Makarova as Katya's girlfriend[https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0048027/fullcredits/?ref_=tt_ov_st_sm Two Captains (1956) Full Cast / Crew]

* Lidiya Fedoseyeva-Shukshina as Valya Zhukov's assistant


Vladimir Vengerov's film watched 32 million viewers, which is 306 results in the history of Soviet film distribution.[https://www.kinopoisk.ru/top/lists/184/film/44336/page/13/#film44336 : ]


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