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Operation Edelweiss (film)

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Wikipedia article

'Operation Edelweiss' is a 1954 West German war film directed by Heinz Paul and starring Joachim Mock, Albert Hehn and Wolf Petersen.Goble p. 999


* Joachim Mock as Friederich

* Albert Hehn as Stefan Hallweger

* Wolf Petersen as Adelbert

* Walter Ladengast as Ignatz

* Jochen Blume as Paul Hbner

* Werner Werndorff as Werner Lobisser

* Gustl Gstettenbaur as Hardei

* Reinhard Kolldehoff as Erich

* Franz Muxeneder as Melchior

* Sepp Rist as Magnus Rasmussen

* Alice Graf as Silke Rasmussen

* Rolf von Nauckhoff as Eike Rasmussen

* Otto Reinwald



* Goble, Alan. 'The Complete Index to Literary Sources in Film'. Walter de Gruyter, 1999.*

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