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Magic Concert

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Wikipedia article

'Magic Concert' (Spanish: 'Concierto mgico') is a 1953 Spanish musical film directed by Rafael J. Salvia and starring Jos Mara Rodero and Mercedes Monterrey.Llins p.580


The musician Andrs Vidal composes a concert that seems to provoke a series of tragedies, until he meets Felisa, the goddaughter of his uncle Antonio de el.


* Jos Calvo

* Rafael Luis Calvo

* Joan Capri

* Ramn de Larrocha

* Fortunato Garca

* Luis Induni

* Juan Monfort

* Mercedes Monterrey

* Consuelo de Nieva

* Antonio Picazo

* Juan Pich Santasusana

* Leopoldo Querol

* Elvira Quintill

* Jos Mara Rodero



* Francesc Llins. 'Directores de fotografa del cine espaol'. Filmoteca Espaola, 1989.

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