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Death Goes to School

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Wikipedia article

'Death Goes to School' is a 1953 British mystery film directed by Stephen Clarkson and starring Barbara Murray, Gordon Jackson and Pamela Alan.Chibnall & McFarlane p.184 It was made at Merton Park Studios as a second feature.

Police investigate the death of a tyrannical teacher at a girls school, where any number of people might have killed the dead woman.


* Barbara Murray as Miss Shepherd

* Gordon Jackson as Detective Inspector Campbell

* Pamela Alan as Miss Helen Cooper

* Jane Aird as Miss M. Halstead

* Beatrice Varley as Miss Hopkinson

* Anne Butchart as Miss Oliphant

* Imogene Moynihan as Miss Essex

* Jenine Matto as Miss Stanislaus

* Sam Kydd as Sergeant Harvey

* Robert Long as Mr. Lawley

* Nina Parry as Mary

* Stanley Rose as Inspector Burgess

* Enid Stewart as Mrs. White

* Julie Stewart as Mrs. White

* Sandra Whipp as Brenda

* Pauline Winter as Mrs. Lawley



* Chibnall, Steve & McFarlane, Brian. 'The British 'B' Film'. Palgrave MacMillan, 2009.

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