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Cock o' the Walk (1953 film)

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Wikipedia article

'Cock o' the Walk' (Spanish: 'Yo soy gallo dondequiera!..') is a 1953 Mexican comedy film directed by Roberto Rodrguez and starring Sara Montiel, Joaqun Cordero and Freddy Fernndez.Amador p.133


* Sara Montiel as Rosalia

* Joaqun Cordero as Jimmy; Joaqun

* Freddy Fernndez as Juanito

* Julio Villarreal as don Plutarco

* Marco de Carlo as Felipe

* Alicia Rodrguez as Lupe

* Salvador Quiroz as don Pedro, presidente municipal

* Roberto Meyer as Licenciado Ruvalcaba

* Alejandro Parodi as Alejandro

* Lidia Franco as Pueblerina

* Rafael Icardo as Cura

* Cecilia Leger as Clienta de Jimmy

* Jos Pardav as Pueblerino

* Hernn Vera as Cantinero



* Mara Luisa Amador. 'Cartelera cinematogrfica, 1950-1959'. UNAM, 1985.

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