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Mara Montecristo

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Wikipedia article

'Mara Montecristo' is a 1951 Mexican drama film directed by Luis Csar Amadori and starring Zully Moreno, Arturo de Crdova and Carlos Lpez Moctezuma.Goble p.303

The film's art direction was by Jorge Fernndez.

Main cast

* Zully Moreno as Mara Montecristo

* Arturo de Crdova as Hugo Galarza

* Carlos Lpez Moctezuma as Avila

* Andrs Soler as Doctor Segura

* Jorge Reyes as Miguelito

* Dolores Tinoco as Renee

* Felipe Montoya as Seor cura

* Eduardo Arozamena as Professor Fabr

* Manuel Dond as Lic. Surez

* Pepe Martnez as Too

* Antonio R. Frausto as Toms

* Jos Muoz as Boticario

* Maria Luisa Malvido

* Jorge Arriaga

* Juan Orraca

* Vctor Alcocer as Doctor

* Manuel Noriega



* Goble, Alan. 'The Complete Index to Literary Sources in Film'. Walter de Gruyter, 1999.

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