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The Return of Jos do Telhado

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Wikipedia article

'The Return of Jos do Telhado' (Portuguese: 'A Volta de Jos do Telhado') is a 1949 Portuguese historical drama filmFatela p.259 directed by Armando de Miranda and starring Virgilio Teixeira as Jos do Telhado, a nineteenth century Portuguese bandit. Teixeira had previously played him in the 1945 film 'Jos do Telhado', which had also been directed by de Miranda.

Partial cast

* Virgilio Teixeira as Jos do Telhado

* Eduardo Colombo

* Juvenal de Arajo

* Mil



* Joo Fatela. 'O sangue e a rua: elementos para uma antropologia da violncia em Portugal (1926-1946)'. Publicaes Dom Quixote, 1989.

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