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The White Primrose

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Wikipedia article

'The White Primrose' (Italian: 'La primula bianca') is a 1947 Italian comedy film directed by Carlo Ludovico Bragaglia and starring Carlo Campanini, Carlo Ninchi and Andrea Checchi.Gundle p.187


* Carlo Campanini as Felice Moretti

* Carlo Ninchi as Capo Banda

* Andrea Checchi as Il Poliziotto

* Laura Gore as Amica del Capo Banda

* Manlio Busoni as Ispettore di Polizia

* Paolo Monelli as Direttore del Giornale

* Mirella Monti as Figlia del Capobanda

* Giulio Cal as Barista

* Angelo Calabrese

* Giulio Battiferri

* Max Lancia

* Folco Lulli

* Nino Pavese

* Pina Piovani



* Gundle, Stephen. 'Fame Amid the Ruins: Italian Film Stardom in the Age of Neorealism'. Berghahn Books, 2019.

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