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La Caraba

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Wikipedia article

'La Caraba' is a 1947 Argentine film.


* Olinda Bozn

* Francisco Alvarez

* Armando B

* Lidia Denis

* Enrique Roldn

* Perla Mux

* ngel Walk

* Arturo Arcari

* Arsenio Perdiguero

* Mavi Correa

* Mara Esther Corn

* Mario Baroffio

* R. A. Laborde


* Director: Julio Saraceni

* Script: Emilio Villalba Welsh y Alejandro Verbitsky after Pedro Muoz Seca

* Photography: Gumer Barreiros y Antonio Prieto (II)

* Montaje: Jos Caizares

* Music: Gregory Stone

* Stage: Germen Gelpi

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