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Departure at Seven

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Wikipedia article

'Departure at Seven' (Italian: 'Partenza ore 7') is a 1946 Italian musical comedy film directed by Mario Mattoli and starring Chiaretta Gelli, Carlo Campanini and Laura Gore.Celli & Cottino-Jones p.68 The film's sets were designed by the art director Gastone Medin. It was shot at the Fert Studios in Turin.


* Chiaretta Gelli as Chiaretta Fumagalli

* Carlo Campanini as Se stesso

* Alberto Rabagliati as Giorgio

* Laura Gore as Lucy D'Orsay

* Tino Scotti as Filippo

* Enzo Turco as Nicolino

* Nando Bruno as Brunetti

* Raimondo Vianello as Spettatore a teatro

* Maria Donati

* Paolo Bonecchi

* Egisto Olivieri

* Dino Peretti

* Galeazzo Benti



* Carlo Celli & Marga Cottino-Jones. 'A New Guide to Italian Cinema'. Springer, 2007.

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