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The Soul of a Tango

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Wikipedia article

'The Soul of a Tango' (Spanish:'El Alma de un tango') is a 1945 Argentine musical film directed and written by Julio Irigoyen and starring Hctor Palacios, Elisa Labardn and Lea Conti.Plazaola p.105 The film was part of the popular genre of tango films. It premiered on 20 April 1945.


* Hctor Palacios

* Elisa Labardn

* Lea Conti

* Percival Murray

* Tino Tori

* Warly Ceriani

* Lea Ocampo

* Mauricio Bilevich

* Trio Geden

* Yuria Kramer

* Enrique Vico Carr



* Plazaola, Luis Trelles. 'South American Cinema'. La Editorial UPR, 1989.

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