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Song of Mexico

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Wikipedia article

'Song of Mexico' is a 1945 American musical film written and directed by James A. FitzPatrick and starring Adele Mara, Edgar Barrier, George J. Lewis, Jacqueline Dalya, Jos Pulido and Raquel De Alva. It was released on December 28, 1945, by Republic Pictures.



*Adele Mara as Carol Adams

*Edgar Barrier as Gregory Davis

*George J. Lewis as Arturo Martinez

*Jacqueline Dalya as Eve Parker

*Jos Pulido as Ramon Carranza

*Raquel De Alva as Anita Martinez

*Margaret Falkenberg as Sarah Anderson

*Elisabeth Waldo as Elizabeth Waldo-Violinist

*Carmen Molina as Specialty Dancer

*Tipica Orchestra as Musical Ensemble


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