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Wikipedia article

'Confesin' is a 1940 Argentine musical drama film directed by Luis Moglia Barth and starring Hugo del Carril, Alberto Vila, and Alita Romn.


* Hugo del Carril... Ricardo Morales

* Alberto Vila...Ernesto

* Alita Romn ...Elena Reyes

* Miguel Gmez Bao ...Director

* Ana Mara Lynch...Anita

* Max Citelli ... Adiestrador de gallinas

* Pablo Cumo

* Csar Fiaschi...Cernadas

* Pedro Fiorito...Zorzal

* Celia Geraldy ... Mujer en boite

* Iris Martorell... Sra. Bevilacqua

* Herminia Mas...Mujer en tren

* Jos Otal...Maldonado

* Sara Prsperi... Mujer en juego de cartas

* Juan Miguel Velich

* Oscar Villa...Paulo

* Ernesto Villegas... Nstor

* Jorge Villoldo ... Carrero

* Ren Cossa


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