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The Broken Earth

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Wikipedia article

'The Broken Earth' is an American film written and directed by Roman Freulich in 1939. The 11-minute short film stars Clarence Muse as a sharecropper and widower who plows his farm and tries to care for a sick son, pleading and praying for divine intervention. The film includes a soundtrack of negro spirituals.

Freulich was a photographer who immigrated from Poland. He shot movie stills and glamour shots, along with shooting the film with dramatic angels. The film is extant.

Muse owned a ranch that was used as a filmmaking location.http://www.alternativeprojections.com/assets/Article-PDFs/Donna-Mungen-The-Black-Experience.pdf

The Southern Methodist University Libraries have the film in their collection The film was screened in 2007 and discussed by Morgan State University professor Thomas Cripps.


Category:1939 films

Category:1939 short films

Category:American black-and-white films

Category:1930s English-language films

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