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Overland Mail (1939 film)

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Wikipedia article

'Overland Mail' is a 1939 American western film directed by Robert F. Hill and starring Jack Randall, Vince Barnett and Dennis Moore.Pitts p.242 It was produced and distributed by Monogram Pictures which specialized in low-budget second features, particularly westerns.


Two overland mail riders discover that a Native American uprising is likely due to the death of one of the tribe at the hands of townspeople. They discover that a gang of counterfeiters are behind the murder and turn over their leader to the Indian chief.


* Jack Randall as Jack Mason

* Vince Barnett as Porchy

* Jean Joyce as Mary Martin

* Tristram Coffin as Joe Polini

* George Cleveland as Frank Porter - aka Saunders

* Dennis Moore as Duke Evans

* Glenn Strange as Sheriff Dawson

* Jimmie Fox as Pat - Storekeeper

* Maxine Leslie as Blondie

* Hal Price as Lugo

* Merrill McCormick as Buck - Henchman

* Joe Garcio as Squint - Henchman

* Harry Semels as Pancho

* Iron Eyes Cody as Indian Chief



* Pitts, Michael R. 'Western Movies: A Guide to 5,105 Feature Films'. McFarland, 2012.

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