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Land of the Midnight Fun

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Wikipedia article

'Land of the Midnight Fun' is a 1939 Warner Bros. 'Merrie Melodies' cartoon supervised by Tex Avery (credited as "Fred Avery"). The short was released on September 23, 1939.


A cruise to Nome, Alaska, starts with various cruise ship jokes: the ship pulls out of the harbor like a car, raising anchor also raises the front of the boat, the ship follows the coast by curving around it. On arrival, we see some local scenes: A penguin eats two fish, then is eaten by the third; the dogs of a dog sled stop (behind an iceberg) at a telephone pole; a timber wolf goes around shouting "Timber!" (even the wolf admits, "Gee, this is silly!"); two Eskimos rub noses: in preparation, the woman applies lipstick to her nose. Finally, an Eskimo nightclub (after all, the nights are six months long) features a rotoscoped ice skater. The ship leaves, and gets caught in the fog near New York City; when the fog clears, we see the ship is perched atop the World's Fair Trylon.

Home media

*LaserDisc 'The Golden Age of Looney Tunes', Volume 4, Side 7

*DVD 'Allegheny Uprising' (USA 1995 Turner print included as a bonus)


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