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El Diablo Rides

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Wikipedia article

'El Diablo Rides' is a 1939 American Western film directed by Ira S. Webb and written by Carl Krusada. The film stars Bob Steele, Claire Rochelle, Kit Guard, Carleton Young, Ted Adams and Robert Walker. The film was released on December 12, 1939, by Metropolitan Pictures Corporation.


Bob rides into a border town where he runs into trouble with Lambert and his gang. Herb arrests him claiming he is the outlaw El Diablo. But it was just to save him from Lambert's gang and the two now plan to trap the outlaws.


*Bob Steele as Bob

*Claire Rochelle as Mary

*Kit Guard as Dan

*Carleton Young as Herb Crenshaw

*Ted Adams as Buck Lambert

*Robert Walker as Frank

*Robert Robinson as Sheriff

*Hal Carey as Saloon Singer


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