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Romance in the Dark

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Wikipedia article

'Romance in the Dark' is a 1938 American comedy musical film directed by H. C. Potter and starring Gladys Swarthout, John Boles, John Barrymore, and Claire Dodd. It is one of five films produced by Paramount in the 1930s featuring Gladys Swarthout, a very popular Metropolitan Opera mezzo-soprano. The studio was attempting to build on the popularity of Grace Moore, another opera singer, who had also expanded her talents into films.TIME Magazine - Jan. 25, 1937 It is based upon the play 'The Yellow Nightingale' by Hermann Bahr.


See also

* 'Rose of the Rancho' (1936)

* 'Give Us This Night' (1936)

* 'Champagne Waltz' (1937)

* 'Ambush' (1939)


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