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Bulldog Drummond in Africa

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Wikipedia article

'Bulldog Drummond in Africa' is a 1938 American adventure crime film. This was the 13th of 25 in the Bulldog Drummond film series from 1922 to 1969.

Plot summary

Again on the eve of his wedding, Captain Hugh Drummond (John Howard) has more pressing concerns when he sets off from London for Spanish-Morocco, because his fiance Phillis Clavering (Heather Angel) has seen Colonel Nielsen (H.B. Warner) from Scotland Yard being kidnapped by an international criminal gang. Their intent is to force him to reveal the secrets of the British Empire's latest military technology. With his fiance (Heather Angel), chum 'Algy' (Reginald Denny), & valet 'Tenny' Tennyson (E.E. Clive) in tow, Bulldog outwits Scotland Yard's bureaucratic blundering, flies his own plane 1200 miles only to find more bureaucratic blundering by the local British Consul ordering him home without delay. Drummond and his friends aren't easy to get rid of, however; they soon mount a rescue plan, eventually liberating Colonel Nielsen and throwing the villainous ringleader to his own pet lions.


* John Howard as Capt. Hugh Chesterton "Bulldog" Drummond

* Heather Angel as Phyllis Clavering

* H.B. Warner as Col. J.A. Nielson

* J. Carrol Naish as Richard Lane

* Reginald Denny as Algernon "Algy" Longworth

* E.E. Clive as "Tenny" Tennyson

* Anthony Quinn as Fordine (a henchman)

* Michael Brooke as Baron Nevsky

* Matthew Boulton as Major Grey

* Neil Fitzgerald as McTurk (a British spy)


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