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Lucky Fugitives

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Wikipedia article

'Lucky Fugitives' is a 1936 Canadian drama film directed by Nick Grinde and starring David Manners, Maxine Doyle and Reginald Hincks.Morris p.268


* David Manners as Jack Wycoff / Cy King

* Maxine Doyle as Aline McLain

* Reginald Hincks as Donald McLain

* James McGrath as Sheriff

* Garland B. Davidson as Moriarity

* Arthur Legge-Willis as Chief of Police

* Doreen Wilson as Molly King

* Fred Bass as Kelly

* Pat Carlyle as Prince Alexis Gregory Timenoff



* Oeter Morris. 'Embattled Shadows: A History of Canadian Cinema, 1895-1939'. McGill-Queen's Press, 1992.

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