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Flying Hostess

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Wikipedia article

'Flying Hostess' is a 1936 American drama film directed by Murray Roth and starring William Gargan, Judith Barrett and William Hall.Paris p.75 A group of stewardesses undergo their training, and later thwart the hijacking of an airplane.

Partial cast

* William Gargan as Hal Cunningham

* Judith Barrett as Helen Brooks

* William Hall as Guy Edwards

* Astrid Allwyn as Phyllis Crawford

* Ella Logan as Edna Mulcahy

* Andy Devine as Joe Williams

* Addison Randall as Earl Spencer

* Marla Shelton as Marion Beatty

* Michael Loring as Pilot

* Mary Alice Rice as Miss Davies

* Richard Tucker as Doctor

* Jonathan Hale as Kendall

* Al Hill as 'Knuckles' Boland

* Kenneth Harlan as 1st Detective

* Pat Flaherty as 2nd Detective

* George Chandler as Florist



* Paris, Michael. 'From the Wright Brothers to Top Gun: Aviation, Nationalism, and Popular Cinema'. Manchester University Press, 1995.

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