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The Man Who Dared (1933 film)

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Wikipedia article

'The Man Who Dared' is a 1933 American drama film directed by Hamilton MacFadden and written by Dudley Nichols and Lamar Trotti. The film stars Preston Foster, Zita Johann, Joan Marsh, Irn Biller, Phillip Trent and June Lang. The film was released on June 30, 1933, by Fox Film Corporation.


Jan Novak (Preston Foster) as mayor crusades to clean up a big city and fight the underworld. Jan Novak is based on Anton Cermak, the Chicago mayor killed in an assassination attempt on Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1933.


*Preston Foster as Jan Novak

*Zita Johann as Teena Pavelic Novak

*Joan Marsh as Joan Novak

*Irn Biller as Tereza Novak

*Phillip Trent as Dick

*June Lang as Barbara Novak

*Leon Ames as Yosef Novak

*Douglas Cosgrove as Dan Foley

*Douglass Dumbrille as Judge Collier

*Frank Sheridan as Sen. 'Honest John' McGuiness

*Leonid Snegoff as Posilipo

*Matt McHugh as Karel

*Jay Ward as Jan Novak as a Boy


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