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Melody Cruise (film)

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Wikipedia article

'Melody Cruise' is a 1933 American pre-Code musical romantic comedy film directed by Mark Sandrich, his first feature film with sound. The film received praise for Sandrich's creative direction, and solidly established him as a commercial director.Jeremy Arnold, [http://www.tcm.com/this-month/article/444705%7C445597/Melody-Cruise.html "Melody Cruise"], TCM (accessed January 20, 2018).


On a cruise liner a bachelor millionaire is subject to the attention of women seeking a rich husband.

Principal cast

* June Brewster as Zoe

* Shirley Chambers as Vera

* Chick Chandler as the steward Hickey

* Marjorie Gateson as Mrs Grace Wells

* Phil Harris as Alan Chandler

* Helen Mack as Laurie Marlowe

* Greta Nissen as Elsa Von Rader

* Florence Roberts as Miss Potts

* Charles Ruggles as Pete Wells


* Betty Grable as a stewardess

Box office

The movie made a profit of $150,000.


'New York Times' critic Mordaunt Hall found the film to be a "conventional farce", but praised "the imaginative direction of Mark Sandrich, who is alert in seizing any opportunity for cinematic stunts" and whose worked gave the production "a foreign aspect" with "some extraordinarily clever photography".Mordaunt Hall, [https://www.nytimes.com/movie/review?res=9A03E2D81238E333A25750C2A9609C946294D6CF "Charles Ruggles and Phil Harris in a Combination of Pleasant Nonsense and Agreeable Melody.]" 'The New York Times', June 23, 1933.


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