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Two-Gun Caballero

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Wikipedia article

'Two-Gun Caballero' is a 1931 American Western film directed by Jack Nelson and starring Robert Frazer, Consuelo Dawn and Carmen Laroux.Pitts p.182


* Robert Frazer as Bob Blake - posing as Lopez

* Consuelo Dawn as Sally Thompson

* Carmen Laroux as Rosita - Lopez's Sweetheart

* Bobby Nelson as Jimmy Thompson

* Jack Perrin as Sheriff

* Pat Harmon as Butch Devlin

* Diane Esmonds as Mrs. Steele

* Al Ferguson as Burke



* Michael R. Pitts. 'Poverty Row Studios, 19291940: An Illustrated History of 55 Independent Film Companies, with a Filmography for Each'. McFarland & Company, 2005.

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