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The Fourth from the Right

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Wikipedia article

'The Fourth from the Right' (German: 'Die vierte von rechts') is a 1929 German silent comedy film directed by Conrad Wiene and starring Ossi Oswalda, Betty Bird and Arthur Pusey.Habel p.197 The film's sets were designed by the art director Emil Hasler. It was released by the German subsidiary of Fox Film.


* Ossi Oswalda as Josyane

* Betty Bird as Betty

* Arthur Pusey as Lord Douglas Blandford

* Adolphe Engers as Bob Murphy

* Albert Paulig

* Gustav Pttjer

* Fritz Spira

* Mathilde Sussin

* Otto Wallburg



* Frank-Burkhard Habel. 'Verrckt vor Begehren.: Die Filmdiven aus der Stummfilmzeit. Ein leidenschaftlicher Blick zurck in die Zeit der ersten Stars.'. Schwarzkopf und Schwarzkopf, 1999.

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