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One-Round Hogan

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Wikipedia article

'One-Round Hogan' is a lost 1927 American boxing-drama film produced and distributed by Warner Bros. and directed by Howard Bretherton. It starred Monte Blue and Leila Hyams. Blue also appears in the 1925 prequel called 'Hogan's Alley', written by Darryl F. Zanuck.

Turn of the 20th century boxing champ James J. Jeffries had a featured role in this movie.


*Monte Blue as Robert Emmet Hogan

*Leila Hyams as Helen Davis

*James J. Jeffries as Tim Hogan

*Frank Hagney as "Big Joe" Morgan

*Tom Gallery as Ed Davis

*Texas Kid as himself

*Abdul the Turk as "Sniffy"

*Andy Clark (uncredited)

*Tom Kennedy (uncredited)

See also

*List of early Warner Bros. sound and talking features


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