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Baby Clothes

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Wikipedia article

'Baby Clothes' is a 1926 American short silent comedy film directed by Robert F. McGowan. It was the 49th 'Our Gang' short subject released.


* Joe Cobb as Joe

* Jackie Condon as Jackie

* Mickey Daniels as Mickey

* Johnny Downs as Johnny

* Allen Hoskins as Farina

* Mary Kornman as Mary

* Pal the Dog as Himself

Additional cast

* Gabe Saienz as Tough kid

* Bobby Young as Kid fighting Joe

* Ed Brandenburg as Bellboy

* Harry Earles as The midget

* William Gillespie as William Weedle

* Helen Gilmore as Joe's mother

* Charlie Hall as Bellboy

* Fay Holderness as Midget's guardian

* Charlotte Mineau as Mrs. Weedle

* William Orlamond as Rich uncle

* Lee Phelps as Man listening to Irish joke

* Tiny Sandford as House detective

* Rolfe Sedan as Man telling Irish joke

* Martha Sleeper as Leggy lady


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