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The Virgin Queen (1923 film)

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Wikipedia article

' The Virgin Queen' is a 1923 British silent historical film directed by J. Stuart Blackton and starring Diana Manners, Carlyle Blackwell and Walter Tennyson.[https://web.archive.org/web/20090213155734/http://ftvdb.bfi.org.uk/sift/title/388572 BFI Database entry]

Production background

The film is a biopic of the life of the English Queen Elizabeth I and had sequences filmed in Prizmacolor.


* Diana Manners - Queen Elizabeth

* Carlyle Blackwell - Lord Robert Dudley

* Walter Tennyson - Viscount Hereford

* Hubert Carrer - Sir William Cecil

* A.B. Imeson - Borghese

* William Luff - Bishop de Quadra

* Lionel d'Aragon - Earl of Northumberland

* Norma Whalley - Countess Lennox

* Maisie Fisher - Queen Mary

* Marian Constance Blackton - Mary Arundel

* Violet Virginia Blackton - Lettice Knollys

* Ursula Jeans - Bit Part (uncredited)

See also

*List of early color feature films


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