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The Green ManuelaBuy The Green Manuela now from AmazonFirst, read the Wikipedia article. Then, scroll down to see what other TopShelfReviews readers thought about the movie. And once you've experienced the movie, tell everyone what you thought about it. | |
Wikipedia article'The Green Manuela' (German: 'Die grne Manuela') is a 1923 German silent drama film directed by Ewald Andr Dupont and starring Lucie Labass, Josef Winter and Grete Berger. The film is based on a novel by Clara Ratzka. A gypsy dancer becomes involved with some smugglers in Spain. The film's plot bears a number of similarities to 'Carmen'.Bergfelder & Cargnelli p.28 It was the first time Dupont worked with the cinematographer Werner Brandes and the art director Alfred Junge who were to become important collaborators with him.Bergfelder & Cargnelli p.28 The poster of this movie is seen in Russian director Dziga Vertov's movie Man with a Movie Camera (1929) playing at a theater named the Proletarian. It's a symbol of Vertov's disdain of Western fanciful films. Cast* Lucie Labass as Manuela * Josef Winter as Carlos Llorrente * Grete Berger as Frau Gazul * Klmn Ztony as Juan Llorrente * Angelo Ferrari as Count Henri d'Amirn * Arthur Bergen as Pedro * Lydia Potechina as Leocadia Barboza * Louis Ralph as Alfredo * Geo Bergal as Vincente Delano * Franz Gro as Old Man Llorrente * Ari Anzo as Tonia Llorrente * William Dieterle as Brito * Giorgio De Giorgetti as Sergeant ReferencesBibliography* Bergfelder, Tim & Cargnelli, Christian. 'Destination London: German-speaking emigrs and British cinema, 1925-1950'. Berghahn Books, 2008. | |
Buy The Green Manuela now from Amazon <-- Return to movies from 1923 This work is released under CC-BY-SA. Some or all of this content attributed to http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?oldid=1108763794. |