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The Duke of Aleria

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Wikipedia article

'The Duke of Aleria' (German:'Der Herzog von Aleria') is a 1923 German silent film directed by Heinz Schall and starring Johannes Riemann, Lina Lossen and Erich Kaiser-Titz.Gerhard Lamprecht. 'Deutsche Stummfilme, Volume 8' p.906

The film's art direction was by Karl Machus.


* Johannes Riemann as Herzog Vinzenz von Aleria

* Lina Lossen as Herzogin Maria

* Erich Kaiser-Titz as Herms van Rosen

* Philipp Manning as Prlat Ruspoli

* Claire Rommer as Dolan Fay

* Yuri Yurovsky as Hausarzt Dr. Antony

* Johanna Zimmermann as Dita Roland


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