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St. Elmo (1923 American film)Buy St. Elmo (1923 American film) now from AmazonFirst, read the Wikipedia article. Then, scroll down to see what other TopShelfReviews readers thought about the movie. And once you've experienced the movie, tell everyone what you thought about it. | |
Wikipedia article'St. Elmo' is a 1923 American silent drama film directed by Jerome Storm. Distributed by Fox Film Corporation, the film is based on the 1867 novel of the same name written by Augusta Jane Evans. PlotWhen St. Elmo Thornton catches his fiance Agnes in the arms of his best friend Murray Hammond, he shoots Hammond and decides to travel around the world in hopes of forgetting women. Upon returning, he meets Edna, the blacksmith's daughter who is living with his minister. In the end, St. Elmo becomes a minister and marries Edna. CastProductionDuring the filming of 'St. Elmo', John Gilbert and Barbara La Marr had an "intense sexual affair". A British adaptation of the same source material was made the same year. PreservationWith no prints of 'St. Elmo' located in any film archives,[http://lcweb2.loc.gov:8081/diglib/ihas/loc.mbrs.sfdb.9501/default.html Library of Congress American Silent Feature Film Survival Database: 'St. Elmo'] it is a lost film. See also* List of lost films * 1937 Fox vault fire References | |
Buy St. Elmo (1923 American film) now from Amazon <-- Return to movies from 1923 This work is released under CC-BY-SA. Some or all of this content attributed to http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?oldid=1105797542. |