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Special Delivery (1922 film)

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Wikipedia article

'Special Delivery' is a 1922 American comedy film directed by Roscoe Arbuckle. It was Arbuckle's first film as a director, albeit uncredited, following his acquittal of the manslaughter of Virginia Rappe. A print of the film survives in the film archive of the Museum of Modern Art.


As described in a film magazine, Al is told to deliver a radiophone message to a certain businessman. A gang of wicked looking plotters endeavor to capture him and steal the message. After a long chase involving Al's trick bicycle, the Sunshine lions of Fox studios, and scenes at the top of a tall building, Al safely delivers the message and the thugs are arrested.


* Al St. John

* Vernon Dent

* Billy Engle

* Tiny Ward

See also

* Fatty Arbuckle filmography


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