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Duke Ferrante's End

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Wikipedia article

'Duke Ferrante's End' (German:'Herzog Ferrantes Ende') is a 1922 German silent historical film directed by Paul Wegener and Rochus Gliese and starring Paul Wegener, Hans Strm and Hugo Dblin.Waldman p.83 It premiered at the Marmorhaus in Berlin.

The art direction was by Walter Reimann.


* Paul Wegener as Herzog Ferrante

* Hans Strm as Matteo

* Hugo Dblin as Trivulzio

* Ferdinand Gregori as Guido Colonna

* Lyda Salmonova as Beatrice

* Ernst Deutsch as Orlando

* Adele Sandrock as Dienerin

* Walter Janssen as Antonio

* Wilhelm Diegelmann as Rstmeister

* Werner Krauskopf as Hauptmann der Leibwache

* Alice Petzinna as Page

* Gustav Roos as Balsamierer

* Fritz Richard as Gremio

* Hellmuth Bergmann as Edelmann

* Albrecht Viktor Blum as

* Hertha von Walther

* Gerhard Bienert



* Waldman, Harry. 'Missing Reels: Lost Films of American and European Cinema'. McFarland, 2000.

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