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The Soul of a Magdalen

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Wikipedia article

'The Soul of a Magdalen' is a 1917 American silent drama film directed by Burton L. King and starring Olga Petrova, Wyndham Standing and Mahlon Hamilton.Lowe p.425


* Olga Petrova as Heloise Broulette

* Wyndham Standing as Leland Norton

* Mahlon Hamilton as Carter Vail

* Mathilde Brundage as Mrs. Vail

* Violet Reed as Lil

* Gene Burnell as Alice Vail

* Frances Walton as Mrs. Broulette

* Richard Barthelmess as Louis Broulette

* Boris Korlin as Valet

* Frank Moore as Dr. Crane



* Lowe, Denise. 'An Encyclopedic Dictionary of Women in Early American Films: 1895-1930'. Routledge, 2014.

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