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The Dark Road (1917 film)

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Wikipedia article

'The Dark Road' is a 1917 American silent drama film directed by Charles Miller and starring Dorothy Dalton, Robert McKim and John Gilbert.Conelly p.59 The film's sets were designed by the art director Robert Brunton.

It is set in England during World War I, where the adulterous wife of a British army officer becomes entangled with a German spy.


* Dorothy Dalton as Cleo Morrison

* Robert McKim as Carlos Costa

* Jack Livingston as Capt. James Morrison

* John Gilbert as Cedric Constable

* Walt Whitman as Sir John Constable

* Lydia Knott as Lady Mary Constable



* Robert B. Connelly. 'The Silents: Silent Feature Films, 1910-36, Volume 40, Issue 2'. December Press, 1998.

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