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The Crimson Dove

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Wikipedia article

'The Crimson Dove' is a 1917 American silent drama film directed by Romaine Fielding and starring Carlyle Blackwell, June Elvidge and Marie La Varre.Beauchamp p.444


* Carlyle Blackwell as Brand Cameron

* June Elvidge as Adrienne Durant

* Marie La Varre as Faro Kate

* Henry West as Jim Carewe

* Edward Hoyt as Jonathan Gregg

* Dion Titheradge as Philip Burbank

* Maxine Elliott Hicks as Minnie Zugg

* Louis R. Grisel as Joseph Burbank

* Norman Hackett as Half-witted Son

* George Cowl as Dr. Stewart

* Charles Hartley as Cameron's Old Servant

* Mildred Beckwith as Nevada

* Julia Stuart as Widow Oatmeal

* George S. Trimble as Durant

* Blanche Davenport as Mrs. Lundy

* Charles Sadlek as Dan Pollard



* Cari Beauchamp. 'Without Lying Down: Frances Marion and the Powerful Women of Early Hollywood'. University of California Press, 1998.

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