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The Corner Grocer

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Wikipedia article

'The Corner Grocer' is a 1917 American silent drama film directed by George Cowl and starring Lew Fields, Madge Evans and Lillian Cook.Koegel p.349 It was shot at the Fort Lee studios in New Jersey.


* Lew Fields as Charles Wendel

* Madge Evans as Mary Brian, age 8

* Lillian Cook as Mary Brian, age 18

* Nick Long Jr. as Ralph Wendel, age 10

* William Sherwood as Ralph Wendel, age 20

* Justine Cutting as Lena Wendel

* George Cowl as Oscar Leaming

* Pinna Nesbit as Stella

* Vivia Ogden as Old Maid

* Stanhope Wheatcroft as William



* John Koegel. 'Music in German Immigrant Theater: New York City, 1840-1940'. University Rochester Press, 2009.

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