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Even As You and I

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Wikipedia article

'Even As You and I' is a 1917 American silent drama film directed by Lois Weber and starring Ben F. Wilson, Mignon Anderson and Bertram Grassby.'American Silent Horror, Science Fiction and Fantasy Feature Films, 1913-1929'. p.184


* Ben F. Wilson as Carrillo

* Mignon Anderson as Selma

* Bertram Grassby as Artist

* Priscilla Dean as Artist's Wife

* Harry Carter as Saturniska

* Maude George as Cleo

* Hayward Mack as Jacques

* Earle Page as Stray

* Edwin Wallock as Wisdom

* Seymour Hastings as Experience



* John T. Soister, Henry Nicolella & Steve Joyce. 'American Silent Horror, Science Fiction and Fantasy Feature Films, 1913-1929'. McFarland, 2014.

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