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Darkest Russia

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Wikipedia article

'Darkest Russia' is a 1917 American silent drama film directed by Travers Vale and starring Alice Brady, John Bowers and J. Herbert Frank.Goble p.145


* Alice Brady as Ilda Barosky

* John Bowers as Alexis Nazimoff

* J. Herbert Frank as Constantine Karischeff

* Norbert Wicki as Ivan Barosky

* Jack Drumier as Count Paul Nazimoff

* Kate Lester as Katherine Karischeff

* Lillian Cook as Olga

* Frank DeVernon as Grand Duke

* Boris Korlin as Barosky

* Herbert Barrington as Nicholai



* Goble, Alan. 'The Complete Index to Literary Sources in Film'. Walter de Gruyter, 1999.

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