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Fatty and the Broadway Stars

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Wikipedia article

'Fatty and the Broadway Stars' is a 1915 American short comedy film directed by and starring Fatty Arbuckle.


* Roscoe 'Fatty' Arbuckle

* Ivy Crosthwaite

* Mack Sennett

* Joe Weber

* Lew Fields

* Sam Bernard

* William Collier Sr.

* Joe Jackson

* Brett Clark

* Harry Booker

* Mae Busch - Actress

* Glen Cavender - Actor

* Chester Conklin

* Alice Davenport

* Minta Durfee - Actress

* Lewis Hippe - (as Lew Hippe)

* Tom Kennedy

* Fred Mace - Actor

* Hank Mann

* Polly Moran

* Charles Murray

* Al St. John

* Slim Summerville

* Mack Swain

* Wayland Trask

* Bobby Vernon - Actor

* Harry Gribbon

* Edgar Kennedy

* Keystone Kops - Police Force

* Ford Sterling

See also

* List of American films of 1915

* Fatty Arbuckle filmography

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