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Trapped in a Forest Fire

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Wikipedia article

'Trapped in a Forest Fire' is a 1913 American silent short film directed by Gilbert P. Hamilton starring Charlotte Burton, Sydney Ayres, Jacques Jaccard, Violt Neitz, Louise Lester, Jack Richardson, Vivian Rich, and Harry von Meter.[http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/search/pages/results/?state=&date1=1913&date2=1913&proxtext=trapped+in+a+forest+fire&x=0&y=0&dateFilterType=yearRange&rows=20&searchType=basic Contemporary newspaper listings; 1913]'Pictorial History of the Silent Screen', p.42 c.1953 Daniel Blum.


*Sydney Ayres - Robert Newton

*Vivian Rich - Vera Redmond

*Harry von Meter - Thomas Nevins

*Charlotte Burton - Inez Tremain

*Jack Richardson - Jack Graham

*Violet Knights -Sally Stanton (*Violet Neitz)

*Jacques Jaccard - James Redmond

*Louise Lester - Mrs. Newton, Robert's Mother

See also

*List of firefighting films


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