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The Oath of Stephan Huller (1912 film)

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Wikipedia article

'The Oath of Stephan Huller' (German: 'Der Eid des Stephan Huller') is a 1912 German silent drama film directed by Viggo Larsen and starring Larsen, Wanda Treumann, and Fritz Schroeter. It is an adaptation of the 1912 novel of the same title by Felix Hollaender.Light Motives: German Popular Film in Perspective p.43


* Viggo Larsen as Boss Huller

* Wanda Treumann as Bertha-Marie

* Fritz Schroeter as Artinelli

* Helene Vo



* Halle, Randall & McCarthy, Margaret. 'Light Motives: German Popular Film in Perspective'. Wayne State University Press, 2003.

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