Movies from 1904
A Day in the Hayfields
A Miracle Under the Inquisition
A Nigger in the Woodpile
A Railway Tragedy
A Wager Between Two Magicians, or Jealous of Myself
An Adventurous Automobile Trip
An Englishman Trip to Paris from London
An Interesting Story
Barcelone, Parc au crpuscule
Burglars at Work
Bushranging in North Queensland
Category:1904 Western (genre) films
Category:1904 comedy films
Category:1904 short films
Christopher Columbus (1904 film)
Drama in the Air
El heredero de Casa Pruna
Every Man His Own Cigar Lighter
Faust and Marguerite (1904 film)
Girls Taking Time Checks
List of American films of 1904
Living London
Maniac Chase
Meet Me at the Fountain
Mr. Pecksniff Fetches the Doctor
Nervy Nat Kisses the Bride
Parsifal (1904 film)
Tchin-Chao, the Chinese Conjurer
The Barber of Seville (1904 film)
The Bewitched Trunk
The Bold Bank Robbery
The Child Stealers
The Christmas Angel
The Clockmaker's Dream
The European Rest Cure
The Firefall
The Fugitive Apparitions
The Hold-Up of the Leadville Stage
The Imperceptible Transmutations
The Impossible Voyage
The Lost Child (1904 film)
The Melbourne Cup (1904 film)
The Mermaid (1904 film)
The Moonshiner (film)
The Providence of the Waves
The Story the Biograph Told
The Strike (1904 film)
The Suburbanite
The Untamable Whiskers
The Widow and the Only Man
The Wonderful Living Fan
The Wonderful Rose-Tree
Tit for Tat (1904 film)
Tracked by Bloodhounds; or, A Lynching at Cripple Creek
Westinghouse Works, 1904
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