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The Beggar's Deceit

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Wikipedia article

'The Beggar's Deceit' is a 1900 British short film directed by Cecil Hepworth. The film is a comedy sketch shot from a static camera position, with the composition divided into thirds: on the left the beggar, in the centre the pavement and pedestrians, and to the right the road and vehicle traffic.


A legless beggar with a sign around his neck saying "cripple" pushes himself slowly and laboriously on a trolley along the pavement, soliciting alms from sympathetic passers-by. A policeman gradually approaches from the distance. Feeling suspicious, he taps the beggar on the shoulder, whereupon the beggar leaps up in a panic and runs away on his perfectly functional legs. The policeman trips over the trolley before recovering his footing and setting off in pursuit.[http://www.screenonline.org.uk/film/id/726215/index.html 'The Beggar's Deceit'] BFI Screen Online. 'Retrieved 09-10-2010'


Category:1900 films

Category:1900s British films

Category:British silent short films

Category:British black-and-white films

Category:Films directed by Cecil Hepworth

Category:British comedy films

Category:1900 comedy films

Category:1900 short films

Category:Comedy short films

Category:Silent comedy films

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