Movies from 1895
Akrobatisches Potpourri
Annabelle Serpentine Dance
Barque sortant du port
Bauerntanz zweier Kinder
Boxing Kangaroo (film)
Category:1895 comedy films
Category:1895 horror films
Crude Set Drama
Die Serpentintnzerin
Dmolition d'un mur
Incident at Clovelly Cottage
L'Arrive d'un train en gare de La Ciotat
L'Arroseur Arros
La Charcuterie mcanique
La Mer (film)
La Pche aux poissons rouges
La Voltige
Le Saut la couverture
Les Forgerons
Opening of the Kiel Canal
Partie de cartes
Performing Animals; or, Skipping Dogs
Place des Cordeliers Lyon
Repas de bb
Rough Sea at Dover
The Arrest of a Pickpocket
The Dickson Experimental Sound Film
The Execution of Mary Stuart
The Oxford and Cambridge University Boat Race (film)
The Photographical Congress Arrives in Lyon
Workers Leaving the Lumire Factory
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