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The story of a Magian love (Novel),Buy The story of a Magian love (Novel), now from AmazonFirst, read the Wikipedia article. Then, scroll down to see what other TopShelfReviews readers thought about the book. And once you've experienced the book, tell everyone what you thought about it. | |
Wikipedia article'The story of a Magian love' (Arabic: ) is a novel published in 2013 by Dar Al-Tanweer. It was written by Abd Al-Rahman Al-munif. Novel summaryMunifs started writing the novel from the moment of crisis, in the moment he fell in love with Lillian, and he began to explain to us how love fills his heart towards her, in the past he already had fallen in love with three other girls, However, Lillians let him forget all his previous experiences, and from this point his search journey started to find everything related to her begins, but no avail. All of his three previous relations with the girls failed one after the other, he continued to search for Lillian, and he was aware that she was married and had two children, However, the love that he was carried in his heart for her did not make him see this reality, Abd Al-Rahman did not lose hope of meeting her until the last letter in his story. And the reason for naming the novel by this name, is that Munifs love for Lillian is like the worship of the Magi in the fire, although it burns them, but they still worship it. The story of a Magain love is almost not free from cases of anger at everything in the universe, and because of his bad luck and his lack of seeing his beloved, and Lillians husband, who called him obese, and this is only because of his hatred for him and jealousy for his beloved from him, the love which was one-sided love. ReferencesCategory:Arabic-language novels Category:2013 novels | |
Buy The story of a Magian love (Novel), now from Amazon <-- Return to books from 2013 This work is released under CC-BY-SA. Some or all of this content attributed to http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?oldid=1096388931. |