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A Noose of Light

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Wikipedia article

'A Noose of Light' is a novel by Seamus Cullen published in 1986.

Plot summary

'A Noose of Light' is a novel in which djinni do evil things to humans.


Dave Langford reviewed 'A Noose of Light' for 'White Dwarf' #78, and stated that "the humour and cruelty are faithful to the source: evil-doers are unremittingly punished, while the reward of virtue is often skimpy until after you're dead. Unevenly paced, but an OK read".


*Review by Chris Morgan (1986) in Fantasy Review, April 1986

*Review by Don D'Ammassa (1986) in Science Fiction Chronicle, #84 September 1986

*Review by Mark Greener (1986) in Vector 135


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