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Books from 1976

A Naked Needle

A boccaperta

Agnisakshi (novel)

Anveshana (novel)


Beirut Nightmares

Category:1976 American novels

Category:1976 Australian novels

Category:1976 British novels

Category:1976 Canadian novels

Category:1976 French novels

Category:1976 German novels

Category:1976 Indian novels

Category:1976 Japanese novels

Category:1976 Nigerian novels

Category:1976 Russian novels

Category:1976 Swedish novels

Category:1976 Zimbabwean novels

Category:1976 debut novels

Category:1976 graphic novels

Category:1976 speculative fiction novels

Definitely Maybe (novel)

Doctor Copernicus


Entre Marx y una Mujer Desnuda

Fum Chitai

Galvez Imperador do Acre

Hill of Fools

Journeys to the Under-World

Kiss of the Spider Woman (novel)

Lig Sinn i gCath

List of Harlequin Romance novels released in 1976

Odprava zelenega zmaja

Pirkkalan pyht pihlajat

Relations (novel)

Rooma pevik

Scorpion Orchid

Season in Purgatory

Sow the Seeds of Hemp

The Borribles

The Celebration (novel)

The Chain of Chance

The Children of Dynmouth

The Doctor's Wife (Moore novel)

The Dream of the Mad Monkey

The Institute (1976 novel)

The Land (Torres novel)

The Malacia Tapestry

The Notes

The Pinch Runner Memorandum

The Sailor on the Seas of Fate

The Sun Chemist

The Sunday Woman

The Words to Say It

Too Loud a Solitude

Wild Thorns

Youth Without Youth (novella)

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