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O Gnio do CrimeBuy O Gnio do Crime now from AmazonFirst, read the Wikipedia article. Then, scroll down to see what other TopShelfReviews readers thought about the book. And once you've experienced the book, tell everyone what you thought about it. | |
Wikipedia article'O Gnio do Crime' ('The Genius of Crime') is a 1969 novel, the first book by Brazilian author Joo Carlos Marinho. It remains a publishing success, with more than 1 million copies sold in 62 editions, and is cited as one of the great novels of Brazilian children's literature. It is a severe social critique of Brazilian society. In 2006 it was published in Spanish under the title 'El Crimen del Genius'. It was adapted for film in 1973 by Tito Teijido, entitled 'O Detetive Bolacha contra o Gnio do Crime'. ReferencesCategory:1969 novels Category:1969 children's books Category:Brazilian novels Category:Brazilian children's books Category:Portuguese-language novels Category:Children's mystery novels | |
Buy O Gnio do Crime now from Amazon <-- Return to books from 1969 This work is released under CC-BY-SA. Some or all of this content attributed to http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?oldid=792193360. |